Heaven On Earth

Luke 11:1-4

Our heart's deepest longing is to do the will of God and further His kingdom.

Why it matters: A great deal of the dissatisfaction we experience in life comes from pursuing our own ideas of success and can thus be avoided through proper discernment guided by Christ.

Learn How

Hallow Be Thy Name

  • To have a great name in the eyes of the world is an empty pursuit that embellishes the ego and decays the soul.

  • A much greater joy is experienced when casting our own names aside and exclaiming the name of Jesus Christ!

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done

  • In a society that only valued work as a means to personal gain, Jesus emphasized the importance of God’s kingdom and will over one’s own.

  • To build our own kingdom without any adherence to God is to deny our happiness and walk further away from the saint we were created to be.

  • Despite how great our kingdom may be, it doesn’t come close to the kingdom God desires for us!

On Earth as It Is In Heaven

  • What if Heaven wasn’t just a final destination but a state of unity with the will of God?

  • While the world around us persists in chaos, God invites us to an internal Heavenly experience with Himself.

  • By responding to God’s invitation, he empowers us to bring forth Heaven on Earth!

Take Action

  • Reflect on how God may be calling you to further his kingdom. What small steps could you take today to unleash Heaven on Earth?

  • Check yourself and your pride. In what ways have you aspired to make an excellent name for yourself instead of the Lord? In what areas of your life can you exclaim the name Jesus Christ?


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