Be Childlike

Today, Jesus tells his disciples that to enter the kingdom of heaven, they must approach him like children. But what exactly does that mean, and how can we implement this teaching in our lives?


  • Just as a child depends on its parents for survival, we should rely on God. Leave a child on its own, and it likely won’t survive. In the same manner, if we approach life without God, we will experience both a physical and spiritual death. Yet, so many today choose to walk this life without our Lord. Thus, so many are lifelessly walking to their graves. You know there is a different path. Choose life today. Choose to depend on Jesus entirely and let no one separate you from him.


  • Children trust their parents in almost every matter, especially what they are taught. I vividly remember being excited to tell my elementary school friends about something new I learned from my dad. In the same way, let us approach our friends today with excitement about what we have learned from our Heavenly Father.


  • This one may seem pretty contrarian; however, it's no secret that children are often disobedient towards their parents (at least I was). All great parents impose “rules” or a way of living upon their children just as God asks us to live by his commandments. It’s also no secret that we frequently fail to measure up to God’s commandments. But just like a gentle parent, God recognizes this and welcomes us back with open arms. So yes, to get to Heaven, we have to be disobedient sometimes. It’s the very act of disobeying God that forces us to recognize our dependence on him and humbly seek his forgiveness.

Take Action

  • Give up one item or activity today and offer it as a sacrifice for our Lord. Recognize that everything we have and will have comes from his hands. We depend on him entirely.

  • Reach out to a friend and share this good news with them. So many are desperately searching for God in all the wrong places. Help them find Jesus just a little bit faster!

  • Visit the confessional and ask God to forgive your past transgressions, knowing he is waiting to welcome you with open arms. Disobedience is part of our journey, but it is not the end!


Terror of Demons